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Support Kid’s College

Kid’s College fills a vocf robotics - dr heartbeatital community need by providing quality enrichment programs in the visual and performing arts, languages, music, science, healthy living and financial literacy at individual school sites; before, after school and during the day.  As a proven enrichment non-profit organization, The Kid’s College is embarking on our 20th year of providing children with positive enrichment experiences.

Today, you are invited to participate with The Kid’s College as we expand these enrichment programs and services within our community.  Now more than ever, we need your help to further our mission to Enrich Lives and Expand Horizons and ensure that the children coming from all financial circumstances have access to our high quality programs.   The Kid’s College staff of dedicated professionals provides a wide variety of enrichment opportunities for children.  However, many schools sites and students cannot afford these classes.  Our goal is to remedy these inequities. Charitable donations from individuals, foundations and other organizations are a critical component in this quest.

Children often do not know where their particular gifts lie.  Additionally, many children are not being given the opportunities to learn the skills they will need to succeed in life, such as teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and conflict resolution.   Our mission opens doors to those gifts and teaches these skills.  The creative spirit is awakened for many.  This has a life-long positive effect on that student.  With your help, we can reach more students at more schools.  More children will have access to these enrichment programs, gain a different view on learning and experience a more positive attitude about school.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders.  While we all know that art and other enrichment activities enhance a child’s education and help make them better rounded individuals, many don’t realize our education system is forced to focus on the very basics to increase their test scores.  As a result of this shift in priorities and focus, most arts, music, hands-on-science activities and other enrichment programs have been reduced or completely eliminated from the school day.  This is a real disservice as individuals learn and are inspired by a variety of methods.  Options for our children are becoming limited.

Help us today! You can enrich the life and expand the horizons of a child.  You will make a difference!