BizTown Information - The Kid's College | San Diego After School Programs

BizTown Information

We are very excited to partner with Junior Achievement to bring the McGrath Family BizTown program to North County high-achieving 4th grade students and all 5th grade students. The programs will culminate in a field trip to the Mission Gorge BizTown facility where children “run the town” for 4 ½ hours.

BizTown at Your School

Please contact us about providing BizTown for your school.


Volunteers will be needed for field trips and interviewing students. Forms will be sent home with students to ask for your participation.

During the field trip, each shop must have at least one volunteer. We are required to bring at least 25 volunteers to assist with the visit. Volunteers serve as “business consultants.” They lead the shop staff meetings, help the students read and understand their job duties for the day, and remind the students to stay on task and focus on their goals.biztown

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • You are assigned to one of our exciting BizTown shops.
  • You answer questions from students and mentor them on making wise business and personal finance decisions.
  • You assist with the students’ break schedules and monitor their staff meetings.
  • We give you “tourist dollars” so you can shop in BizTown, too!


We are looking for business sponsors that can help to provide scholarships to children that could not otherwise attend. If you know of any business that want to help provide this exciting enrichment opportunity to deserving students please contact Ann Little.

If you are interested in more information about this program please contact:

Ann Little at or by calling 760-798-4064.